Date: sam. 30 nov. 2024 17:49:58 CET Test set: performance Kernel: 6.12.1-200.fc41.x86_64 Release: Fedora release 41 (Forty One) Result: PASS Failed Tests: None Warned Tests: None ============================================================ Starting test ./performance/lmbench3 cd src && make make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/performance/lmbench3/src » gmake[2] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/performance/lmbench3/src » gmake[2]: Rien à faire pour « all ». gmake[2] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/performance/lmbench3/src » gmake[2] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/performance/lmbench3/src » gmake[2]: Rien à faire pour « opt ». gmake[2] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/performance/lmbench3/src » make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/performance/lmbench3/src » cd src && make results make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/performance/lmbench3/src » gmake[2] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/performance/lmbench3/src » gmake[2]: Rien à faire pour « all ». gmake[2] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/performance/lmbench3/src » gmake[2] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/performance/lmbench3/src » gmake[2]: Rien à faire pour « opt ». gmake[2] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/performance/lmbench3/src » ===================================================================== L M B E N C H C ON F I G U R A T I O N ---------------------------------------- You need to configure some parameters to lmbench. Once you have configured these parameters, you may do multiple runs by saying "make rerun" in the src subdirectory. NOTICE: please do not have any other activity on the system if you can help it. Things like the second hand on your xclock or X perfmeters are not so good when benchmarking. In fact, X is not so good when benchmarking. ===================================================================== Hang on, we are calculating your timing granularity. OK, it looks like you can time stuff down to 5000 usec resolution. Hang on, we are calculating your timing overhead. OK, it looks like your gettimeofday() costs 0 usecs. Hang on, we are calculating your loop overhead. OK, it looks like your benchmark loop costs 0.00000069 usecs. ===================================================================== If you are running on an MP machine and you want to try running multiple copies of lmbench in parallel, you can specify how many here. Using this option will make the benchmark run 100x slower (sorry). NOTE: WARNING! This feature is experimental and many results are known to be incorrect or random! MULTIPLE COPIES [default 1] Options to control job placement 1) Allow scheduler to place jobs 2) Assign each benchmark process with any attendent child processes to its own processor 3) Assign each benchmark process with any attendent child processes to its own processor, except that it will be as far as possible from other processes 4) Assign each benchmark and attendent processes to their own processors 5) Assign each benchmark and attendent processes to their own processors, except that they will be as far as possible from each other and other processes 6) Custom placement: you assign each benchmark process with attendent child processes to processors 7) Custom placement: you assign each benchmark and attendent processes to processors Note: some benchmarks, such as bw_pipe, create attendent child processes for each benchmark process. For example, bw_pipe needs a second process to send data down the pipe to be read by the benchmark process. If you have three copies of the benchmark process running, then you actually have six processes; three attendent child processes sending data down the pipes and three benchmark processes reading data and doing the measurements. Job placement selection: ===================================================================== Several benchmarks operate on a range of memory. This memory should be sized such that it is at least 4 times as big as the external cache[s] on your system. It should be no more than 80% of your physical memory. The bigger the range, the more accurate the results, but larger sizes take somewhat longer to run the benchmark. MB [default 5382] Checking to see if you have 5382 MB; please wait for a moment... Hang on, we are calculating your cache line size. OK, it looks like your cache line is bytes. ===================================================================== lmbench measures a wide variety of system performance, and the full suite of benchmarks can take a long time on some platforms. Consequently, we offer the capability to run only predefined subsets of benchmarks, one for operating system specific benchmarks and one for hardware specific benchmarks. We also offer the option of running only selected benchmarks which is useful during operating system development. Please remember that if you intend to publish the results you either need to do a full run or one of the predefined OS or hardware subsets. SUBSET (ALL|HARWARE|OS|DEVELOPMENT) [default all] ===================================================================== This benchmark measures, by default, file system latency. That can take a long time on systems with old style file systems (i.e., UFS, FFS, etc.). Linux' ext2fs and Sun's tmpfs are fast enough that this test is not painful. If you are planning on sending in these results, please don't do a fast run. If you want to skip the file system latency tests, answer "yes" below. SLOWFS [default no] ===================================================================== If you are running on an idle network and there are other, identically configured systems, on the same wire (no gateway between you and them), and you have rsh access to them, then you should run the network part of the benchmarks to them. Please specify any such systems as a space separated list such as: ether-host fddi-host hippi-host. REMOTE [default none] ===================================================================== Calculating mhz, please wait for a moment... I think your CPU mhz is -1 System too busy but I am frequently wrong. If that is the wrong Mhz, type in your best guess as to your processor speed. It doesn't have to be exact, but if you know it is around 800, say 800. Please note that some processors, such as the P4, have a core which is double-clocked, so on those processors the reported clock speed will be roughly double the advertised clock rate. For example, a 1.8GHz P4 may be reported as a 3592MHz processor. Processor mhz [default -1 System too busy] ===================================================================== We need a place to store a 5382 Mbyte file as well as create and delete a large number of small files. We default to /usr/tmp. If /usr/tmp is a memory resident file system (i.e., tmpfs), pick a different place. Please specify a directory that has enough space and is a local file system. FSDIR [default /usr/tmp] ===================================================================== lmbench outputs status information as it runs various benchmarks. By default this output is sent to /dev/tty, but you may redirect it to any file you wish (such as /dev/null...). Status output file [default /dev/tty] ===================================================================== There is a database of benchmark results that is shipped with new releases of lmbench. Your results can be included in the database if you wish. The more results the better, especially if they include remote networking. If your results are interesting, i.e., for a new fast box, they may be made available on the lmbench web page, which is Mail results [default yes] OK, no results mailed. ===================================================================== Confguration done, thanks. There is a mailing list for discussing lmbench hosted at BitMover. Send mail to to join the list. make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/performance/lmbench3/src » L M B E N C H 3 . 0 S U M M A R Y ------------------------------------ (Alpha software, do not distribute) Processor, Processes - times in microseconds - smaller is better ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Host OS Mhz null null open slct sig sig fork exec sh call I/O stat clos TCP inst hndl proc proc proc --------- ------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- fedodell Linux 6.12.1- -1 0.10 0.17 1.36 1.52 3.31 0.15 0.85 247. 1542 2225 Context switching - times in microseconds - smaller is better ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Host OS 2p/0K 2p/16K 2p/64K 8p/16K 8p/64K 16p/16K 16p/64K ctxsw ctxsw ctxsw ctxsw ctxsw ctxsw ctxsw --------- ------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------- fedodell Linux 6.12.1- 1.8800 2.2200 3.8500 2.5400 3.2200 2.92000 3.01000 superlinu Linux 6.7.1-2 5.1700 5.3800 5.5000 5.6700 5.5300 5.23000 5.19000 superlinu Linux 6.7.2-2 5.1600 5.6900 5.6800 5.4000 5.1700 5.78000 5.56000 superlinu Linux 6.8.1-2 5.2600 5.4900 5.6700 5.6700 6.1100 5.92000 5.92000 superlinu Linux 6.8.1-2 5.7200 5.4200 5.7600 5.8600 5.4600 5.74000 5.47000 superlinu Linux 6.10.1- 5.4400 5.5600 5.1100 5.3800 5.3700 5.90000 5.57000 superlinu Linux 6.11.0- 5.1400 5.0500 5.0700 5.3400 5.0900 5.34000 5.38000 superlinu Linux 6.12.1- 5.0300 4.9600 5.0200 5.2100 5.1400 5.48000 5.19000 *Local* Communication latencies in microseconds - smaller is better --------------------------------------------------------------------- Host OS 2p/0K Pipe AF UDP RPC/ TCP RPC/ TCP ctxsw UNIX UDP TCP conn --------- ------------- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- fedodell Linux 6.12.1- 1.880 4.904 5.57 9.989 12.3 24. superlinu Linux 6.7.1-2 5.170 20.4 23.5 38. superlinu Linux 6.7.2-2 5.160 21.9 24.9 37. superlinu Linux 6.8.1-2 5.260 21.8 25.2 41. superlinu Linux 6.8.1-2 5.720 21.3 24.7 48. superlinu Linux 6.10.1- 5.440 21.1 23.8 38. superlinu Linux 6.11.0- 5.140 20.5 23.5 40. superlinu Linux 6.12.1- 5.030 20.6 24.2 39. File & VM system latencies in microseconds - smaller is better ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Host OS 0K File 10K File Mmap Prot Page 100fd Create Delete Create Delete Latency Fault Fault selct --------- ------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ----- ------- ----- fedodell Linux 6.12.1- 12.0 5.8876 25.1 12.9 31.0K 0.403 0.05400 0.792 superlinu Linux 6.7.1-2 18.2 10.2 29.1 14.7 104.0K superlinu Linux 6.7.2-2 18.9 10.6 31.6 15.3 107.3K superlinu Linux 6.8.1-2 18.6 10.5 31.2 17.0 111.6K superlinu Linux 6.8.1-2 18.7 10.3 30.5 15.3 105.5K superlinu Linux 6.10.1- 19.0 10.5 30.4 18.4 107.0K superlinu Linux 6.11.0- 18.8 10.8 31.2 16.6 108.9K superlinu Linux 6.12.1- 18.4 10.3 30.9 16.1 106.2K *Local* Communication bandwidths in MB/s - bigger is better ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Host OS Pipe AF TCP File Mmap Bcopy Bcopy Mem Mem UNIX reread reread (libc) (hand) read write --------- ------------- ---- ---- ---- ------ ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- fedodell Linux 6.12.1- 4245 8139 3940 5351.6 11.7K 7369.9 4977.6 9312 6693. superlinu Linux 6.7.1-2 2453 5996 3573 1148.7 17.2K 14.2K 7110.1 15.K 11.7K superlinu Linux 6.7.2-2 2200 6282 4011 8704.6 18.3K 12.8K 6449.8 12.K 9226. superlinu Linux 6.8.1-2 2314 5433 3380 7710.9 15.2K 10.8K 5946.4 12.K 9007. superlinu Linux 6.8.1-2 1775 3714 2536 1057.5 17.4K 12.6K 6571.1 14.K 10.1K superlinu Linux 6.10.1- 2151 5164 4023 9076.2 18.6K 13.2K 6692.7 15.K 10.9K superlinu Linux 6.11.0- 2158 4979 3453 9039.5 17.9K 13.5K 6488.4 14.K 11.0K superlinu Linux 6.12.1- 2202 4818 3027 8625.3 17.2K 12.7K 6294.9 14.K 9878. Starting test ./thirdparty/nvidia-module curl-8.9.1-2.fc41.x86_64 kernel-devel-6.11.7-300.fc41.x86_64 kernel-devel-6.11.8-300.fc41.x86_64 kernel-devel-6.12.1-200.fc41.x86_64 elfutils-libelf-devel-0.192-6.fc41.x86_64 Creating directory tmp Verifying archive integrity... OK Uncompressing NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86_64 550.135........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/thirdparty/nvidia-module/tmp/kernel /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/thirdparty/nvidia-module /home/adrien/fedora-test-kernel/kernel-tests/thirdparty/nvidia-module module version 550.135 built for 6.12.1-200.fc41.x86_64